The newest EMVP: Fredrik Karlsson | Johan Driessen

The newest EMVP: Fredrik Karlsson

This post was originally published on **

On Wednesday, one of our oldest employees (as in has been working here for a long time, not really being that old) was appointed an EPiServer Most Valued Professional, or EMVP. A big congratulations to Fredrik Karlsson!

I managed to get a little chat with him about how he feels about this and how he feels about EPiServer.

Johan: So, Fredrik, congratulations on becoming an EMVP.

Fredrik: Thank you.

Tell us a little bit about yourself, how long have you been working with EPiServer?

Well, I’m 30 years old, lives in Stockholm and slowly getting a little bit fatter for each year.

I’ve been working with web development since 1997 and with EPiServer since 1998. In 2000 I started working at Dropit and here I am today.

I see, and what is your current role at Dropit?

For the last year I have been involved in the development of Extension X3… err EPiServer Composer, but since EPiServer bought it I have been working in something called Expert Services here at Dropit. You might say I’m something as a developer handyman, doing everything from error search to specialized customer integrations…

What do you think is the greatest difference in working with EPiServer today compared to when you started?

When I started with EPiServer CMS 2 is was a VBScript/asp based website with frames. You can’t really compare the products. But I can say that EPiServer CMS 3 was nice because you had the ability to change almost anything. Then in EPiServer CMS 4 I think it was a small step backwards because it was a much more system. But now in EPiServer CMS 5 I think it’s a giant leap forward. Especially with a lot more generic MS controls rather then the homebrewed ones from EPiServer. Because lets face it, EPiServer is not that good in building web controls.

What does it mean to be an EMVP?

Apart from the small perks you get from EPiServer I think the biggest difference is that you are somewhat responsible for the reputation of EPiServer. If an EMVP writes something insulting, it will reflect on EPiServer and not just the person. Especially now with EPiServer gaining a larger international market. But to be honest, the thing I look forward the most is probably the clothes.

What do you anticipate most in the next release of EPiServer?

MVC. Please, please, please EPiServer!

Why do you think EPiServer is still relevant today after so many years?

They have been rather successful in implementing new techniques and so on. But I believe the key factor is that it is very good for novice advanced beginners. Its really easy to get started witch give them an ever expanding user base. Especially with the demo templates and likewise.

What to you think is EPiServer’s greatest challenge in order to keep being relevant in the future?

To be true to its core business and not try and do something they are not that good at. But first and foremost to listen to the EPiServer user/developer community, Today this is EPiServer weakest part by far. Sure, they say they listen to us, but it’s lacking so much in information and the possibility to give to the community.

Thank you, Fredrik, for taking the time to answer my stupid questions.

No problem. Can I say hello to my colleagues??
